Labrador – Guide Dog

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear... collars. One of them made an appearance in front of our camera.

To support the Labrador Guide Dog Foundation for the Visually Impaired, we hit the city's streets with a film crew.

Camera, action! A struggle with one's own weaknesses, with a stick and with a naughty tail – that is Rocky 1½ with the Oscar-winning role of the female Labrador Newa.

2 shooting days, 6 sets, 3 dogs and surprisingly few takes. Working with the dog actors was a breeze, and the effects were beyond the wildest wagging of tails.

All of this was organized to raise as much money as possible to train dogs that will change people's lives. How cool is that?

We are an indepenent creative event agency based in Poznań, Poland. Since 1999 we have been delivering turn-key solutions perfectly tailored to our clients needs’ and to changing market specifications.